What We Believe
Building Christian Character- We believe in one eternal, wise and almighty God who reveals Himself personally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is a God of love and truth who has created the universe and has given man authority over the whole earth. He desires an intimate relationship with all men.
- Men have rejected a relationship with God through sin and rebellion and are called by God to relinquish their sin, return whole-heartedly to God and to serve Him sincerely.
- Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God, and was sent by God to destroy the works of the devil and reconcile man to proper relationship with God. The New Covenant is founded upon His sacrificial life, death and resurrection. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was crucified, died, and was buried. He rose from the dead bodily and ascended into heaven. As both God and man He is the only mediator between God and men and the only Savior of the world; He will return to earth to judge all men.
- God commands all men to know Him, to love Him, to obey Him, to live faithfully for Him and to acknowledge His loving lordship in all their thoughts, words and deeds.
- Man is saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ as taught in the Scriptures. All men will be resurrected to judgment by God. Those who are proven lost by their evil deeds will pay the penalty of eternal damnation, and those who are proven faithful by their good deeds will be rewarded with eternal life and joy in God’s presence.
- God has sent the Holy Spirit to convict of sin, to dwell in men, to renew, regenerate and empower men, and to guide them into all the truth.
- The Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and is therefore our authority for faith and action. Studying and meditating on the Scriptures is valuable for learning the truth, correcting wrong thinking and actions and for training in godliness and righteous living.
- Jesus Christ is the Lord and only sovereign of our lives, so we must honor, worship and obey Him and do all that He has commanded in order to accomplish His purposes and establish His kingdom on the earth. These purposes include loving all men and seeking to reveal God to those who do not yet know Him.
- God has instituted biblical marriage as the foundation for the family and for the nurturing of children. The marriage relationship is a metaphor for the love relationship of Christ and His church. Therefore, biblical marriage is the covenant relationship between one man and one woman. Children are a heritage and gift from the Lord to their parents. The biblical family is the building block of the church and of a happy society. Parents, and most especially the father, therefore, are the authorities and responsible parties in the training, discipline, admonition and care of their children. All children are fearfully and wonderfully made by God so they are created to know Him and reveal His glory even at a young age. The Christian school is called by God to assist the parents and minister to the children so that the young may fulfill their calling from God and take their place in the family, church, and society as God has intended.